I am so incredibly excited to announce that my podcast, the Spiritual Newbie podcast is now oficially live!
This podcast serves as the home for ALL people who are looking to develop their own spiritually inspired lifestyles. Whether you have been on your journey for sometime, or are new to your path, this podcast uses examples from my four pillar method for spiritally inspired living to teach you everything from wellness and self-care to spiritual development tools and exploration as it pertains to the life you’ve always wanted to live.
Make sure to subscribe, and come back every week for a new episode that will help you to develop into the spiritual baddie you know you arleady are.

Four Pillar Method for Spiritually Inpired Living
Spiritually Inspired living is a term I use to describe the commitment to seeking, embracing and sharing joy in our everyday lives. It is the understanding that daily responsibilities and stressors will always be present but when balanced with a commitment to Spiritually inspired living the weights of them are less.
To me, living a spiritually, or intuitively guided life means committing to taking action on messages I receive in order to live a balanced, joy filled life. It is embracing the fact that although life has stress, responsibility, and I foreseen obstacles, being open to receiving and acting on guidance to move through it, will help reclaim that balance. Sharing ways to move through the wins and losses is my way of helping people find new ways to live their best lives as well.
Working together:
Perfect for those who are new to their spiritual path, meeting one on one with me will help to create the trail map to guide you on your way.
Do you consider yourself a “Spiritual Newbie”?
Someone who is ready to take their first steps onto their spiritual path but has no idea where to begin? Or perhaps you have started your journey, but feel overwhelmed by the amount of information out there and are searching for a safe place to go where you can learn in an approachable, attainable, judgement free way?
The Four Pillar Method uses a combination of wellness, self-care, spiritual development tools, and exploration to help people develop their own spiritually inspired lifestyles. Starting with a sturdy foundation provided by Four Pillars, reaching life’s goals and dreams can be attainable. Learning to use a combination of the Four Pillars to remove energetic blocks, receive guidance from one’s higher self, shift perspective, etc., will help one to connect to their dharma, living life with more purpose, happiness, and peace.

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Individual one on one session
Individual one on one session to create your unique Spiritual “Trail Map” We will discuss your life goals, access your Akashic Records for future guidance, and I will follow up with a detailed trailmap to follow along your spiritual path towards acheiving your dreams . Approx. 60 minute session, $111
Monthly Guidance Plan
Monthly Guidance Plan: Are you ready to release the fears and doubts you may be experienceing in order to have faith in your abiity to create the life you desire? This is your sign to trust in the power of the univers and surrender to your intuition. Take this as a sign that you are being guided and supportend on your path, and have faith in the journey ahead. You are where you’re supposed to be.
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Twice montly one on one calls
Twice montly one on one calls via zoom, text message support, and monthly updated 4 Pillar Trail map will keep you on your spiritual path towards acheiving your goals. Revolving monthly extras such as journal prompts, breath work exercises, guided meditations, and more included as well. $555
Akashic Records Readings:
The Akashic Records are a thumbprint of every thought, memory, and experience your soul has had from it’s incarnation until this very moment.
They can offer insight into past lives, clarity for present situations, and direction for future endeavors. A reading with me can help serve as guidance for your life by taking action on the powerful messages from my spirit guides via your very own Akashic Records
I like to think of the Akashic Records as “The Cloud” for your soul. The entirety of your soul’s existence is stored in one place, easily accessed with an opening prayer.
During a session with me, I first align our energy with a short invocation, or intention setting meditation.
My Spirit Guides, known to me as The Four Corners will enter your records, then use me as a conduit of information or messenger. I see imagery, hear their messages word for word, then pass all info along to you. We then decipher the messages together and answer all questions you may have inside an hour.
I have read my own Akashic Records for years, but before the pandemic hit and we were all sheltering in place, I hadn’t had the courage to offer readings to anyone else. I had taken courses, practiced on a few friends, but was nervous to put my gifts as a reader out into the world.
In March of 2020, when the world was home, and many people found themselves in new and hard situations, I knew the time was right to offer an Akashic Records reading to anyone looking to find their path in this “new normal”. Many people were starting over, and needed guidance on where to begin.
Like many around the globe, I started a TikTok account. I made a video offering my readings by donation only. I wanted this service to be accessible to everyone around the world, not just those who could afford an inflated price during a hard time. The simple video I made, quickly went viral and before I knew it, I was reading for people around the globe every day.

It has been on my heart lately to go back to my roots, offering my readings by donation once again, making sure that EVERYONE can have access to a reading with me.
If you feel called, click the link to book your reading today!
Suggested Donation: $100, however please donate what is in your heart and budget.